Life has become infinitely more stressful than it used to be say, some hundred years ago. With all our technological advancement, we seem to double size sleeping pad have devised a very clever system which does not allow us to spend any time with ourselves, but instead, allows us to be constantly submerged with technology, bombarded with informational and stimulation cues from all sides. This lets our brain technically switch to sleep mode, but our bodies are offered absolutely no rest. In a way, even when we sleep the stress pervades the REM cycle and the light from our phones mismanages our circadian rhythm. Eventually, these problems accumulate and amount for something much bigger than just sleeping issues; our health gets adversely and the stress manifests itself in psychological and physical problems. The solution to all these problems that build up is simple; to distress your body and mind.
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it is said that the sense of touch is the first development in the human body and possibly, the last one to fade away. We have over 3,000 touch receptors in just a fingertip. Human contact also releases oxytocin, a chemical that is responsible for long term feelings of security and love. Needless to say, the skin is one organ that has the power to restore our mental and physical balance. Because of this, many people around the world recommend indulging in massage therapy to rid ourselves of harmful diseases and stresses. In the U.S. alone, massage therapy ranks third in the list of alternative medicine. In many metropolitan areas, massage clinics are widespread; getting a massage in Dubai is more accessible than getting a massage on the African continent, even though massage therapy is considered more primitive. The truth of the matter is that it is a complete science that dates as far back as to the time of Julius Caesar and needs trained professionals.There are countless benefits of getting massages and many researches have been done to prove these benefits.
One research quotes that employees who received regular massages were more alert and productive at work. Research also states that an hour of massage equates to about 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Massages are known to reduce stress levels by improving blood flow, making the immune system more efficient, lowering blood pressure and reducing the heart rate. For athletes, this is a great way of recovering from injuries and improving blood flow. Massage therapy also makes it easier for the body to regenerate important tissues, reducing scar tissue. It can also help expectant mothers as regular massages help reduce labor pains and make the process of childbirth easier. It is reported that Julius Caesar used to get massage therapy to help with his epilepsy, suggesting the wide ended benefits of this therapy.If you are living in the Middle East, simply go online and book a massage in Dubai to rid your body of the extra stressors that it doesn’t need and find your peaceful spot.